
Thursday, March 12, 2009


I woke up this morning thinking about desire.  We are born with the emotion of need.  Babies need to be fed.  Somewhere around 4 months babies develop the emotion of desire.  This feeling makes them cry when you put them down and  motivates them to roll over.  Zachary will roll from one side of the room to the other just to get close to me.  

From 5 months on, the desire becomes noticeably stronger.  Think about the root cause for misbehavior in children.  Especially toddlers and preschoolers because they have this strong feeling of desire.  Life is all about them.  They are not capable of seeing someone else's perspective.  They want that ball so badly that they are willing to get in trouble over it.  

Later in life, in addition to wanting things like a new toy, straight hair, a flat tummy, thinner thighs; we start wanting to be liked or accepted.  Then puberty sets in and there is a whole new form of desire. Wanting to be wanted. There are countless love songs written about it.  It motivates us to find a mate, get married, and tangle our lives up with someone else.  I think it is substantially stronger when it evolves matters of the heart.  Just for fun here's a little poem I found.

Think about addictions! What is the serenity poem?  
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Wow!   I realize I'm just rambling now. 

 I guess what I'm thinking is that even though it is a natural feeling, it does take quite a bit of effort to keep it in check.  So be a little more patient with your infant who is crying at 2 am, your toddler who keeps grabbing toys from another child, your friend that obsesses about her weight, and yourself for whatever it is that you desperately want.  

P.S. There are a few more poems, that may not appropriate for me to put on my blog.  Just google desire poems.  


Carrie said...

I love that you can express yourself so effortlessly! Ramble or not, you get the point across :)

Angie said...

I'll be better, I don't want you to have to be patient with me. Oh, and I so want to be you when I grow up.