
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Skateboarding Block Robots of Science?

Today I feel terrible.  I've been suffering, literally, since September with sinus infection after sinus infection and allergies.  I haven't worn a contact in my left eye since November and can't comfortably wear glasses either because the pressure they cause on the bridge of my nose.  I finally have answers to my problem, Giant middle turbinate on left side of nose, but I still don't feel better.  I started allergy shots 3 weeks ago.  I totally should have skipped today's shot because I am clearly getting another sinus infection, but I went anyway.  I'm itchy all over and feel 10x worse than I already felt.  And I have a large hard whelp at the injection site... ugh! All perfectly good reasons to do nothing but feel sorry for myself all day.

But my boys are delightful today and they are not allowing me to feel anything but happy and grateful! Nathan and I quickly got through our seat work and moved on to science.  We are studying simple machines and his instructions were to write his own experiment.  He has robots on the mind so he decided to build a variety of different models of wood block robots and see which were the best incline plane skateboarders...OK! Sounds good to me! (Seriously this is what science is about! Exploration, invention and imagination)

The robot construction was temporarily delayed by the World's Best Snow Day Weather EVER and experimental gluten free dairy free drop biscuits.  (I tasted them while the boys were still playing and quickly made a non gluten free dairy free batch too.)

It's 2:30 and the rest of the day's agenda is playing piano, reading The Magician's Nephew, sipping hot cocoa, working on robots and other random art projects for Zachary's preschool.


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