
Thursday, May 29, 2008

All I want for Christmas!

2 Aprils ago Nathan fell off a tricycle at Target and chipped his front tooth. We went ahead and capped it and did nerve treatments on it and the one next to it. The treatments were good and the dentist felt that the teeth would be saved.

Literally, 30 minutes after receiving the final bill from the dentist, 6 months later, Nathan bonked heads with his buddy Owen and knocked the two teeth back. The nerve treatment looked okay, but the dentist was hesitant to say the teeth would be okay.

2 weeks ago, on my birthday, Nathan and Owen were playing in the hammock and Nathan got flipped out. Of course, he hit his teeth on the ground. There was some blood, but he quickly recovered and I didn't call the dentist. I figured there was no point!

Yesterday, when wiping chap stick off Nathan's front teeth I found out that the right one is completely loose. Just wiggling all over the place. We saw the dentist today. Apparently the roots on both front teeth are disintegrating. Dr. says they have 6 months max before they fall out.

Eric and I are very sad! I'm worried about Nathan's speech and self image. I think we will talk to a pediatric orthodontist and see if this will be a problem. I took a picture this evening of Nathan's cheesiest grin. You can easily see the color difference in the front teeth. Please don't make fun of my toothless son! Permanent teeth don't start coming in until 7 years old.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Vegas Baby!

After another negative Fetal Fibronectin Test, I am cleared to go to Vegas.  Fetal Fibronectin is a test to check for a hormone that your body starts to produce before labor.  A positive doesn't mean you will go into labor, but it means it is a possibility.  A negative means you are 99.5% unlikely to go into labor in the next 7-14 days.  We have had a Vegas trip planned for months and months and it was starting to look like I wouldn't be able to go.  I got the good news yesterday and I'm already packed.  We leave tomorrow and are gone for 5 days.  Nathan's Nanny is coming to our house to watch Nate.  He is very excited to see Nanny, but not as excited as I am to get away!!!  We have tickets to the UFC fights on Saturday night and Zumanity on Sunday night.  Added bonus we are going with two other couples that are a bunch of fun!!!  I'll post pictures later.  

Friday, May 16, 2008


Today I dropped Nathan off for his last day of Kids Day Out, and decided that there was nothing pressing that had to  be accomplished.  So I took a little time for myself, which all mommies know rarely happens.  I put on my large black maternity bikini (scary) and soaked up a little sun.  The sun was hot but there was a little breeze and it was perfect.  I think I might be solar powered!  It just takes a little sunshine and 80s music to totally transform my mood.  

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I have a few girl friends who claim to enjoy being pregnant. Although 2 of my closest ones agree that it isn't much fun at all. I'm going out on a limb to say "It sucks!" With Nathan I was sick from week 7 to 13 and then started having terrible back pain(thus not sleeping) around month 4. Then of course he decided to come into the world with a surprise BANG! Not to mention the hugeness of my thighs, bottom, arms, face, pretty much everything except my belly. After his early arrival I got to visit him in the hospital for 17 days.

Now of course, he is almost 3 years old. 40 inches tall weighing in at 33lbs, a smart, charming, little peace keeper. Despite all the early difficulty, I wouldn't change a thing.

Pregnancy number 2 is proving to be just as much fun. This time I was sick from week 7 to 17 and have already have some possible preterm delivery issue. Everything checks out okay, but I'm under the watchful eye of my OB. My back already hurts and I have restless legs every night that prevent me from sleeping much more that 4 or 5 hours. One major difference is the size of my belly. This time it is huge. Although I think that is better than the huge thighs, bottom, arms, and face. But I must remember that I'm only 24 weeks and the hugeness is probably lurking around the corner.

In case you didn't already know we are expecting another boy, Zachary David, and I'm due the 3rd of Sept. I actually think I'm mentally prepared for the new baby at home stuff that I wasn't prepared for with Nathan. I just want to make it through the pregnancy with my sanity.

Boys are so fun

Finally the weather has been nice and warm, and we have been able to enjoy the backyard. Usually we play in the sandbox, swing, or ride on tricycles, but sometimes Nathan wants to mix it up a little. This is what he called "Knight Basketball". I think it will catch on and be all the rave. Maybe even an Olympic sport.