For random reasons, and lots and lots of Glee episodes, I've found this strange empowerment and self acceptance. Sure there are plenty of things that I don't like about myself, but I'm realizing that a good number of them are really based on feeling like I am not good enough. Mostly due to not feeling like other people like me. You know, when someone who shouldn't, says something attacking or just mean. And perhaps hides it in a pseudo compliment.
Um, I'm done letting my feelings get hurt.
When you say something mean it is really more about your insecurity than it is about me.
Last night I watched the Madonna episode and the Beautiful episode and I was tearing up. Seriously? Ridiculous, I know. But I had a couple major big epiphanies about my goofiness and my breast size. You know what? I really do like myself. (I still hate my giant thighs.) But the other ridiculous qualities are all just me. I'm 34 and this is me. If I only feel the need to prove myself to myself (and my beautiful children) then I'm suddenly free to be happy. And I am happy! I'm getting paid (occasionally) to create art. I'm learning how to play the guitar. I spend my whole day with the cutest kids ever. I'm fit and healthy and loving. I finally think I get it! I get it!!!! I will thus forth quit begging for your approval and love.