
Sunday, April 19, 2009


I know we all pride ourselves on being good parents.  We all want the best for our kids.  We worry about them being bullied or not being accepted.  Some of us have conversations about our kid being the weird kid.  We talk about not wanting their teachers to kill their spirit.  We are horrified when they throw a temper tantrum at Target or they hit a playmate.  We spend countless hours drilling them on the alphabet.  We spend most of our day thinking about how to raise intelligent, respectful, responsible, socially acceptable, happy children.  

I have found a book that challenges some of the things we do as parents.  I have just begun reading it, but have read another book in the series and can say that is changing my life. Does anyone want to challenge themselves with me?  The book is Real Love in Parenting by Greg Baer.  I would love for someone else to read it and share their opinions. 


Carrie said...

I would like to take a look at your book. I loved "Love and Logic and Parenting".

Angie said...

i'm in