I have been known to spend hours online researching exercises. Why? Well It's kinda fun. And I don't have the patience to deal with my children at a real gym so I workout at home. In an effort to keep it all interesting, I'm constantly coming up with something different. The basic structure is always the same, intervals of resistance and cardio.
I think I'm on the cusp of something new. Lol.
I borrowed the physique 57 DVDs from a friend a while back. I really liked them. The first few times I completed them I was super sore. And in a matter of a couple of weeks (3 times a week) I could actually see a change in my body. However, I missed the intervals of cardio. I am a firm believer that short, high intensity cardio intervals beats the pants off long sustained cardio. I have been able to find plenty of articles from experts to back up that claim.
I've also been working out with my sweet friend Amy. She can't run on a treadmill for medical reasons (ie knee replacement). So we started doing something similar to step aerobics for the the cardio intervals. Like jumping jacks, high knees, and any other silly move we can think of to keep us busy for 2 minutes. It's totally fun! And effective!
So tonight I have spent the last 90 minutes trying to find a good way to combine the physique 57 and silly aerobics. I think I've come up with a plan that will work. I'm going to commit to it for a least the next month (unless Amy protests) and see if it makes me long and lean. And smiley!!!!