
Saturday, March 7, 2009

25 random things about me

1. My maiden name is Stoner.

2.  I always wanted two boys aged 3 years apart.

3.  I've broken my wrist, thumb, big toe, and foot (in 3 places).

4.  I played Meg in Little Women in 8th grade Drama.

5.  I can fit my entire fist in my mouth.

6.  My arms are double jointed, so I can practically twist my hand 360 degrees.

7.  Before the last month of my senior year of high school, I was planning to be a pediatrician.  I tutored a little girl that last semester that made me change my mind to teaching.  My senior ring has a medical symbol on it.

8. I like to build things, even though I've never had anyone show me how.  I've made a built-in window seat, 2 dress-up cabinets, a train table, a sofa table, a craft table (out of an old door), and a tv cabinet.

9. I had a job selling educational software for a little while after we moved to Wichita.  I really enjoyed it, but hated my boss.

10. In college I heard a girl, Julie Buskin, get abducted from the apartment next door. They just recently convicted the man that abducted her.

11. I'm pretty disappointed with the school systems in the US, public and private.  I have lofty ideas of starting my own school someday. 

12. I haven't colored my hair since 8th grade.

13.  I changed out almost every light fixture in my house.  

14.  I singled handily knocked out the kitchen back splash, including the wall, and re tiled it one week while Eric was out of town.

15.  I hated pregnancy so much that I had a tubal ligation in November, even though Eric was willing to get snipped. 

16.  I'm about 8 inches taller than my older sister.

17.  In college I took boxing lessons from a now professional boxer, Ross Puritty.  I still love boxing.

18.  I  have a yellow belt with green stripe in Tae kwon Do.  I've broken 3 planks of wood with my hands and feet.

19. Growing up I actually got grounded from the movie Splash because I watched it so much.I planned on naming my daughter Madison, before it was  cool.  

20.  In 5th grade I had a "mullet".

21.  When I was 7 or 8 I got stung by a pink jellyfish.  Wow!  That really hurts!

22.   In middle school I let my boyfriend, John Sherwood, put a dog collar and leash on me and walk me around the grocery store.  I actually barked at a few people.  

23.  I can do a really weird thing with my bottom lip.  I can't really describe it. 

24.  I got physically ill after watching the movie Kids at OU.  This is a terribly disturbing movie!  I'm extremely sensitive!

25.  I really like drawing and painting and I regret never getting any formal education.  I plan to live vicariously through my very talented niece, Alia.  She just got accepted to OU and is majoring in Art.  



Mindi said...

I must say, you have a way more interesting things to say about yourself than I did. I want to see pictures of everything you have made.

Les said...

Wow, Julie. You're one amazing chick! I think we have a few things in common... no formal art training but continually making stuff... think we can build anything. Actually, you probably can. I usually get stuck and need my husband to bail me out of a project.