
Friday, March 21, 2008


Mommy: Nathan we saw the baby inside my tummy today.

Nathan: Uh Huh

Mommy: What kind of baby do you think it is?

Nathan: (whispers) Its a boy, just like me.

Daddy: You're right buddy. You're going to have a baby brother!

Nathan: That means he has a penis.


Mindi said...

Amazing pictures, congrats on two boys together- we love it. Mine are outside right now playing baseball together. All they need is one to pitch and one to hit and they are entertained!

Linda Stoner said...

Congratulations!! Now Jackson will have a boy cousin just about his age. Just like Jarrett and Nathan. Keep us posted on your progress. Any ideas about names yet?

Aunt Linda

Sara said...

That's so exciting for you all! When I was pregnant with Sophia and we found out she was a girl, Avery told me that was a little bit less exciting then if she was going to be a boy. Of course, now they're inseparable anyway!

Larsen's in Wyoming said...

Eric and Julie,
That's so exciting!! Kristin usually keeps me posted on all of the pregnancies in Wichita, she missed yours!! I'm very happy for you. Nathan will be a wonderful big brother. Nathan looks so cute in the pictures, I miss you guys!